Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Symantec to generate a robust overall business strategy Essay

Symantec to generate a robust overall wrinkle strategy - Essay Example social club Profile Symantec Corp., founded in 1982 by visionary computer scientists, has had strong schooling strategy that saw eruditeness of a number of corporations and enterprises to become what it is today. with time, the company has evolved to become one of the worlds largest softw atomic number 18 companies providing fight opportunities to about 18,500 employees in more than 50 countries(About Symantec, 2013, web). Accordi8ng to Barrons Table (2013, web), Symantec reported revenues of $6.73 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2012 with a profit of $1.17 billion, and recently reported third quarter FY 2013 results were higher than Q3 2012. Symantec is one of the leadership in the security software market, and its ranking in the Barrons 500 table rose from 267 to in 2012 to 14 in 2013. The major competitors to Symantec include Macafee, Postini and Websens (About Symantec, 2013, web). Business Strategy Symantecs goal is to continue to repair its existing products and services, and at the same time develop new, advanced products and services that solve important unmet or underserved inescapably. Over time customers will have more and better choices that will continue to meet their evolving needs and deliver better value. Symantec is focusing on 10 key areas that combine existing products and services into new, innovative and comprehensive solutions that meet multiple customer needs with integrated and higher value offerings. The overall development process is estimated to take six to 24 months depending on the specific offering (Barrons Table, 2013, web). These future offerings are intended to align with meeting three key customer needs Making it simple to be productive and protected at home and work keeping businesses safe and compliant and keeping business training and applications up and running. Information Systems and Strategy An organizations instruction system includes people, b usiness procedures, and organisational resources aimed at collecting data and processing that data to enhance organizational success and development. All information systems involve the acquisition of information, processing of that information and finally the application of that information into various organizational needs. Symantec has a well developed IS strategy that focuses on the use of IS in supporting its business development and produce strategy. By delivering on its information management strategy, the organization protects information completely, deduplicates all information everywhere, thus eliminating supererogatory data. Further, it provides customers with delete confidently and discover efficiently in the use of its products. New delivery models such as the Symantec Enterprise Vault 9.0 and Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector provides customers with the ease of storage, management and discovery of information across the enterprise (Symantec CorporationHistory, 201 3, web). Proposed Information Strategy, Comparison with the Current Strategy and Evaluation There is an improver in the need for adopting proper and reliable information systems for every organization. Currently, due to the increase in the take aim of competition in the current business environment, every organization seeks to implement competitive strategies aiming at harming customers. Symantec corp. operates in a highly competitive business environment. With the increase in the number of organizations providing security and security measures to enterprises, organizations and individuals,

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